


 2017年11月26-27日、防災推進国民大会2017、世界防災フォーラムに日本各地、世界各地から、「仙台防災枠組」発祥の地である仙台に集まった我々は、「大規模災害に備える 〜みんなの連携が力になる〜」をテーマに、これまでに取られた行動についての経験や課題を共有するとともに、今後必要となる行動について議論をしました。この結果、以下の事項について、公助による取組に加え、今後更なる自助・共助による取組が必要であることの認識を共有しました。


  • 東日本大震災の教訓を踏まえ、日本では国難とされる南海トラフ巨大地震や首都直下地震などの、想定されうる最大規模の被害への減災・縮災対策や復興の検討を実施しています。これらの災害リスクを軽減するためには、政府による取組に加えて、国民一人ひとりが想定されている災害リスクを正しく理解し、自らの身は自分で守る「自助」、また、住民、地域コミュニティ、企業・事業者、関係団体や行政機関等が一体となって、お互いに助け合う「共助」によって、社会の全構成員の参画による具体的行動を起こすことが重要です。
  • 地球温暖化による気候変動等によって降雨強度の増加、強い台風の高頻度化等の現象が起こっています。他方、急速な都市化、人口減少、高齢化、グローバル化等により地域を取り巻く社会経済情勢は変化し、災害リスクは増加しています。
  • 多くの主体が連携することによって、新しい知恵、新しい対応策が見出されます。それによって、地域の防災力が上がることが期待されます。連携によって、災害リスクの削減に向けたガバナンスを向上させることができ、これによって社会全体として災害による損害の減少につながります。
  • 「仙台防災枠組2015-2030」では、災害リスク削減における官民連携の重要性が提起されており、民間部門と政府機関との間に緊密な協力と信頼関係の構築が必要であると確認されました。


  • 市民は、過去に発生した災害の経験や最新の科学的な知見によって、地域に潜む災害リスクを学び、災害を受けにくい地域づくり・まちづくりに努めることが大切です。日頃から地域の活動に参加して地域の方々との交流を持つこと、「地区防災計画」を活用するなどにより平常時から発災時の対応を計画し、活動することが大切です。また、最低三日間分の水・食料、毛布、携帯・簡易トイレを備蓄し、地震に備えて家具を固定すること、建物・建築物の耐震化工事を行うこと、自宅等周辺の災害危険箇所や避難路・避難場所の把握など、事前の「備え」が重要です。
  • ボランティア・NPO等と行政は、日頃から顔が見える関係を築き、いざという時の連携内容や取組手順等を共有しておくことによって、多様な被災者ニーズに対して、互いの持ち味を活かしたきめ細かい支援がやりやすくなります。
  • 企業・事業者は、ソフト・ハード面での防災技術・サービスの開発を進めるとともに、地域の中で役職員が住民や行政など、他関係組織と一緒になって、連携して地域の防災力向上に取り組んでいくことが必要です。また、事業継続計画(BCP)を策定・実施・改善し、顧客・利用者・従業員等の命を守り、災害時に事業をどのように継続していくのか、優先順位を明確にして予め備えておくことも大切です。
  • 学術界は、研究の成果を実効ある防災・減災施策へと展開できるように、専門分野の枠を超えた学際連携を進めつつ、行政・民間・報道・市民部門との連携を進め、科学的な知見を分かりやすく社会に伝えていく実践と努力が必要です。
  • 教育界は、地域の一員として協力できる将来の防災の担い手となる人材を育てるために、災害についての正しい知識の修得を含む世界をリードする防災教育を進めることが必要です。
  • 国政府は、あらゆる主体の連携が促進されるよう、公助による取組に加え、自助・共助のための普及啓発を推進し、防災推進国民会議や防災推進協議会の活動を活性化するとともに、「TEAM防災ジャパン」による交流の場の提供等を行うことが必要です。
  • 地方自治体は、公助による取組に加え、平時から市民、ボランティア・NPO、企業・事業者等と連携することにより、行政自体による取組と地域における防災の取組が互いに効果を高め合うことが望まれます。他の地方公共団体とも災害時応援協定を締結するなど日ごろから関係を構築していくこと、被災しても業務継続性が確保できるようBCPを策定し、実施・改善することが必要です。


  • 地域には、ジェンダー(性別)、年齢、国籍、言語、障害の有無・雇用・収入・健康等の面でも、個々に異なる多様な人々が生活しています。各々の違いを理解、尊重し、誰も取り残されることのないよう、誰もが防災に参加できるようにすることが大切です。これによって、防災を地域づくりの重要な要素としてとらえながら、災害時の被害を社会全体で少なくすることができ、仙台防災枠組が主張する「国際社会全体での被害軽減」に貢献します。
  • 迅速かつ円滑な復旧・復興のため、様々な新しい手法を取り入れることが大切です。生活・生業の再建を見据えて、保険・共済等に加入すること、情報通信技術 (ICT)を活用して情報の共有化を効果的に図ること等が重要です。
  • 防災への投資を促進し、よりよい復旧・復興(Build Back Better)を実現していくことは、世界共通の課題です。災害を受けにくいまちづくりを進め、社会・経済の復興も図るなど、Build Back Betterの事例を世界で共有し、「仙台防災枠組」の実現に向けた国際協力を進めていく必要があります。
  • 今後とも、行政、住民、学術界、企業・事業者等の防災に関わる主体間で災害情報や防災に関する情報の共有を密にしましょう。また、公助と連動した自助・共助により「みんなの連携が力になる」防災の取組事例を共有し、お互い学び合っていきましょう。
  • 2018年に東京で開催する次回大会に向けて、更なる取組の推進と連携・共有を進めましょう。




Sendai Bosai Kokutai Charter
~ for the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 ~

  Since the adoption of the "Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030", almost three years have passed and actions towards realization of the framework have been started to be implemented by each stakeholder.
  November 26-27, 2017 for the National Conference on Promoting Risk Reduction 2017 with the theme of "Preparing for large-scale disasters ~ Collaboration is the power for DRR ~ " and the World Bosai Forum, we gathered in Sendai, the birthplace of the "Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction" from all over Japan and the world, shared experiences and challenges concerning the actions taken so far and discussed the necessary actions in the future. As a result, we shared the recognition described in the following articles that initiatives by further self-help and mutual support are necessary in the future, in addition to initiatives by public support.

Why is collaboration power?

  • Based on the lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake, countermeasures for disaster management have been implemented in Japan, considering disaster management, disaster risk reduction and reconstruction for the largest possible damage such as the Nankai Trough massive earthquake and Tokyo Inland Earthquake as a national crisis. In order to mitigate disaster risk, in addition to the initiatives by the national government, it is important to promote "self-help" that individual citizens properly understand assumed disaster risks and are able to protect themselves, and take concrete actions together through whole of a society approach by "mutual support” that residents, local communities, companies, business operators, relevant groups and administrative organizations help each other.
  • Intensity of rainfall and frequency of strong typhoons have been increasing due to climate change caused by global warming. On the other hand, social and economic environment surrounding communities has changed by rapid urbanization, population decline, ageing and globalization, and disaster risks have been increasing.
  • The new wisdom and countermeasures can be created by collaborating among all stakeholders, and thus, it is expected that the disaster management capability for the community will be enhanced. Collaboration can improve governance for disaster risk reduction, which leads to reduce loss and damage caused by disasters in a whole society.
  • In the "Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030", the importance of public-private partnership for disaster risk reduction was pronounced. Sendai Framework confirmed that it was necessary to establish close collaboration and trust between the private sector and the national government.

Self-help / Mutual support actions through collaboration

  • For citizens, it is important to learn disaster risk in their community based on experiences of disasters occurred in the past and latest scientific knowledge, promote community building and urban development that is not easily affected by disasters. It is also important to participate in activities in their neighborhood, have exchanges with other citizens in the community, plan emergency responses while non-emergency condition by, for example, utilizing the system of "Community Disaster Management Plan”. In addition, "preparation" in advance is important; have a stockpile of water, food, blankets, and portable toilets at least for three days, fix furniture to the floor, have seismic reinforcement construction of housings and buildings for earthquakes, check disaster hazard locations around a home and understand evacuation routes and centers.
  • Volunteer and NPO, and the governments should get to know each other during non-emergency condition, and share objectives and procedures for collaboration. It will make easier to provide tailor-made support for various needs of the affected people in case of emergency.
  • Companies and business operators should promote the development of technologies and services in structured and non-structured format to improve disaster management. It is necessary that executives, users and employees work together with other related organizations such as residents and governments, improve and develop disaster management capability in the community. It is also important to formulate, implement and improve Business Continuity Plan (BCP), which enables them to protect lives of customers and employees, and clarify the priority actions how to continue the business at the time of disasters.
  • Educational communities need to promote education for disaster management leading the world, including to have correct knowledge about disaster, in order to develop human resources on disaster management in the future for collaboration as a member of communities.
  • Academic communities should promote interdisciplinary collaboration through information sharing and interaction with other fields across the boundaries of different specialisms to develop research results for effective disaster management. It is necessary to have implementation and efforts to disseminate scientific knowledge to the society clearly in collaboration with the governments, private sector, media and civil societies.
  • The national government should promote dissemination and awareness for self-help and mutual support, in addition to the initiatives by public support for collaboration of diverse stakeholders. At the same time, it is necessary to promote activities of the National Council for Promoting of Disaster Risk Reduction and the National Conference on Promoting Disaster Risk Reduction and provide opportunities for exchanges through “TEAM Bosai Japan”.
  • The local governments should collaborate with citizens, volunteers, NPOs, companies and business operators in non-emergency condition, in addition to the initiatives by public support. It is expected that the initiatives by the government itself and efforts in disaster management for the community have synergy effect. It is necessary to establish good relationship in non-emergency condition, with other local governments, such as by concluding support agreements. They should also formulate, implement and improve BCP so that business continuity can be secured even in emergency condition.


  • In communities, people with diverse background live together; gender, age, nationality, language, disability, employment, income and health. It is important that everyone can participate in disaster management activities with understanding and respecting each difference, and no one will be left behind. As a result, while disaster management is regarded as an important element of the community development, it is possible to reduce damage caused by disasters in the whole society, and contribute to the "reduction of damage for the whole international communities" claimed by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • It is necessary to have various new methodologies for early and smooth recovery and reconstruction. For the reconstruction of livelihood and business, it is important to join insurance and mutual insurance, and utilize information and communication technology (ICT) to share information effectively.
  • Promoting investment in disaster management and realizing better recovery /reconstruction (Build Back Better) is a common challenge in the world. It is necessary to promote international cooperation towards realization of the "Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction" by sharing best practices of Build Back Better for urban development which is less affected by disasters and rebuilding society and economy.
  • We will keep sharing information constantly on disaster and initiatives for disaster management among the stakeholders such as the governments, residents, academia and companies, and continue to share best practices of “Collaboration is the power for DRR” by self-help and mutual support in coordination with public support, and learn from each other.
  • In future, share information on disaster information and disaster prevention among the related stakeholders for disaster management who are administrators, residents, academia, companies and business operators.
  • Let's promote further cooperation, collaboration and sharing of initiatives for the next conference, Tokyo in October, 2018.
